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Architect of the Capitol

  • 1 Architect of the Capitol

    Чиновник Конгресса США [ Congress, U.S.], возглавляющий управление, отвечающее за содержание в порядке здания и технического оборудования Капитолия [ Capitol], Библиотеки Конгресса [ Library of Congress], других административных зданий в ведении Конгресса, Верховного Суда [ Supreme Court, U.S.], Ботанического сада США [ United States Botanic Garden] в г. Вашингтоне. Также отвечает за сохранность многочисленных произведений искусства в этих зданиях, частично - за проведение церемонии инаугурации [ inauguration]. Должность учреждена в 1793. Среди известных архитекторов, занимавших этот пост - Б. Латроуб [ Latrobe, Benjamin Henry] (1803-1807), Ч. Булфинч [ Bulfinch, Charles] (1818-29), Т. Уолтер [ Walter, Thomas Ustick] (1851-65)
    тж Architect of the Congress

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Architect of the Capitol

  • 2 Architect of the Capitol

    гос. упр., амер. Архитектор Капитолия* (официальное название службы, ответственной перед конгрессом за строительство, материально-техническое обеспечение и обновление здания Капитолия, а также относящихся к конгрессу служебных зданий и других строений, входящих в Капитолийский комплекс, напр., таких как здания библиотеки конгресса)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Architect of the Capitol

  • 3 Architect Of The Capitol

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Architect Of The Capitol

  • 4 Capitol

    гос. упр., амер. Капитолий (здание в столице США Вашингтоне, где заседает конгресс США; построено в стиле классицизма в 1793-1865; архитектор У. Торнтон, Б. Латроб, Т. Уолтер; также здания в столицах штатов США, где проходят заседания местных законодательных собраний)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Capitol

  • 5 Walter, Thomas Ustick

    b. 4 September 1804 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    d. 30 October 1887 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    American architect, best known for his construction of the great iron dome of the United States Capitol in Washington.
    Much of Walter's work was in neo-classical style, of which the Founders' Hall at Girard College in Philadelphia, built 1833–47, is a fine example. On the exterior this is a large-scale Corinthian temple of peripteral octastyle form. Inside, Walter showed his awareness of modern needs with his brick fireproof vaulting. In 1851 Walter was appointed by President Millard Fillmore as Architect to the Capitol in Washington, DC, to enlarge the building to accommodate the greater needs of the day. Between this time and 1865 Walter extended the side wings considerably to provide more space for the House of Representatives and the Senate and, to balance the composition of this much longer elevation, built a new great dome. In style, the dome and drum resemble those of Wren's St Paul's Cathedral in London, but the scale is much greater and the internal construction largely of cast iron: internally the dome measures 98 ft (29.9 m) in diameter and has a total height of 222 ft (67.7 m).
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Founder American Institute of Architects 1857; President from 1876.
    Further Reading
    M.Whiffen and F.Keeper, 1981, American Architecture 1607–1976, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT.

    Biographical history of technology > Walter, Thomas Ustick

  • 6 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry

    (1764-1820) Латроуб, Бенджамин Генри
    Первый профессиональный американский архитектор и инженер-строитель. Родился в Англии, в США с 1796. Спроектировал большое число правительственных зданий и общественных сооружений: здание Второго банка США в г. Филадельфии [ Second Bank of the United States], католического собора в г. Балтиморе (1805-18). В 1803-07 - архитектор Капитолия [ Architect of the Capitol]; восстанавливал общественные здания г. Вашингтона, сожженные англичанами во время войны 1812-14, перестроил Капитолий [ Capitol]. Спроектировал и построил систему водоснабжения в г. Филадельфии, первую в стране, завершил строительство такой же системы в г. Новом Орлеане

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Latrobe, Benjamin Henry

  • 7 United States Botanic Garden

    Вашингтонский ботанический сад, расположенный неподалеку от Капитолия [ Capitol], в восточной части Молла [ Mall, The] (с 1849). Известен коллекциями редких растений, прежде всего пальм и орхидей, растений тропиков, субтропиков и пустынь. Представляет собой несколько соединенных оранжерей из стекла и камня. Основан в 1820 по решению Конгресса США [ Congress, U.S.], с 1934 находится в ведении архитектора Капитолия [ Architect of the Capitol]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > United States Botanic Garden

  • 8 Bulfinch, Charles

    (1763-1844) Булфинч, Чарлз
    Архитектор, один из основоположников федерального стиля [ federal style]. В 1799-1818 - мэр г. Бостона. Сменил Б. Латроуба [ Latrobe, Benjamin Henry] на посту архитектора Капитолия [ Architect of the Capitol] (1818-1829), продолжил работу над зданием Капитолия [ Capitol]. Автор проектов зданий законодательных собраний Коннектикута и Массачусетса, Массачусетского госпиталя [Massachusetts General Hospital] (1820).

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Bulfinch, Charles

  • 9 Walter, Thomas Ustick

    (1804-1887) Уолтер, Томас Юстик
    Архитектор, приверженец неоклассицизма и неоготики. В 1851-65 - архитектор Капитолия [ Architect of the Capitol]. Наиболее известен как автор проектов купола (1855-65) и крыльев Сената и Палаты представителей Капитолия [ Capitol]. Ученик У. Стрикленда [ Strickland, William]. Среди других работ - здания колледжа Жирарда [Girard College] (1833-47) и Биддл-хауз [Biddle house, "Andalusia"] (1834) в г. Филадельфии.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Walter, Thomas Ustick

  • 10 AOC

    1) Авиация: (Air Operator Certificate) Действительное свидетельство авиационного пользователя, Approach On Course
    2) Американизм: Articles Of Confederation
    4) Латинский язык: anno orbis conditi
    7) Сельское хозяйство: any other color
    9) Религия: American Orthodox Church
    10) Юридический термин: Administrative Office of the Courts, Age Of Consent
    11) Телекоммуникации: ADSL overhead control channel
    12) Сокращение: Adaptive Optical Camouflage, Air Operations Center (USA), Association of Old Crows (USA), Association of Old Crows [ Electronic Warfare ] (View the AOC logo), Assumption Of Control (message), Australian Ordance Council
    16) Экология: assimilable organic carbon
    17) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Accidentally oil contaminated system, Asset Operation Centre
    18) Сетевые технологии: automated operations control
    19) Сахалин Р: accidentally oil contaminated
    20) Океанография: Aircraft Operations Center
    21) Макаров: automatic overload circuit, поглощаемый ( абсорбируемый) органический углерод
    22) Нефть и газ: Arabian Oil Company (АОК - японская компания, ведущая добычу нефти в саудовско-кувейтской нейтральной зоне)
    23) Общественная организация: American Oceans Campaign
    24) Должность: Architect Of The Capitol
    25) NYSE. AON Corporation

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > AOC

  • 11 Library of Congress

    гос. упр., амер. библиотека конгресса (помимо предоставления конгрессу библиотечных услуг, а также проведения для него научно-исследовательской аналитической работы, выполняет функции национальной библиотеки; является хранилищем главных национальных коллекций книг, карт и рукописей в Соединенных Штатах; играет важную роль в оказании помощи местным библиотекам в составлении каталогов и проведении других видов библиотечной работы; осуществляет надзор за обеспечением выполнения законодательства США об авторском праве)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Library of Congress

  • 12 Poelzig, Hans

    b. 1869 Berlin, Germany
    d. June 1936 Berlin, Germany
    German teacher and practising architect, the most notable individualistic exponent of the German Expressionist movement in the modern school.
    In the last decade of the nineteenth century and in the first of the twentieth, Poelzig did not, like most of his colleagues in Germany and Austria, follow the Jugendstil theme or the eclectic or fundamentalist lines: he set a path to individualism. In 1898 he began a teaching career at the Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland) Academy of Arts and Crafts, remaining there until 1916. He early introduced workshop practice into the curriculum, presaging Gropius's Bauhaus ideas by many years; the school's workshop produced much of the artisan needs for a number of his buildings. From Breslau Poelzig moved to Dresden, where he was appointed City Architect. It was there that he launched his Expressionist line: which was particularly evident in the town hall and concert hall in the city. The structure for which Poelzig is best known and with which his name will always be associated is the Großes Schauspielhaus in Berlin; he had returned to his native city after the First World War and this great theatre was his first commission there. Using modern materials, he created a fabulous interior to seat 5,000 spectators. It was in the form of a vast amphitheatre with projecting stage and with the curving area roofed by a cavernous, stalactited dome, the Arabic-style stalactites of which were utilized by Poelzig for acoustic purposes. In the 1920s Poelzig went on to design cinemas, a field for which Expressionism was especially suited; these included the Capitol Cinema in Berlin and the Deli in Breslau. For his later industrial commissions—for example, the administrative building for the chemical firm I.G.Far ben in Frankfurt—he had perforce to design in more traditional modern manner.
    Poelzig died in 1936, which spared him, unlike many of his contemporaries, the choice of emigrating or working for National Socialism.
    Further Reading
    Dennis Sharp, 1966, Modern Architecture and Expressionism, Longmans.
    Theodor Heuss, 1966, Hans Poelzig: Lebensbild eines Baumeister, Tübingen, Germany: Wunderlich.

    Biographical history of technology > Poelzig, Hans

  • 13 Johnston, William J.

    fl. mid-nineteenth century Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    American architect who was one of the pioneers during the mid-nineteenth century of metal framing for commercial building structures.
    The Jayne Building, erected in Philadelphia in 1849–50, was begun by Johnston and completed by Thomas U. Walter, architect of the iron dome of the Washington Capitol. The seven-storey Philadelphia Building was iron-framed and clad in granite, and Johnston introduced a vertical type of architectural design reflecting the metal structural form beneath—a format later taken up for taller, skyscraper buildings by Louis Sullivan —but here the upper storey was eclectic, using Gothic tracery. The building was later demolished.
    Further Reading
    H.Russell-Hitchcock, 1958, Architecture: 19th and 20th Centuries, London: Penguin, Pelican History of Art series, 333.
    N.Pevsner, 1975, Pioneers of Modern Design, London: Penguin, 24–25.
    Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain: Vol. 9, Ante-Bellum Skyscraper, and Vol. 10, The Jayne Building Again.

    Biographical history of technology > Johnston, William J.

  • 14 Gilbert, Cass

    b. 24 November 1859 Zanesville, Ohio, USA
    d. 17 May 1934 Brockenhurst, Hampshire, England
    American architect who designed a variety of high-quality, large-scale public buildings in eclectic mode.
    Gilbert travelled widely in Europe before returning to the USA to join the well-known firm of McKim, Mead \& White, for whom he designed the Minnesota State Capitol at Saint Paul (1896–1903). This building, like the majority of Gilbert's work, was in classical form, the great dome modelled on that of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. Other designs, on similar classical themes, included his large US Customs House in New York (1907). The structure for which Gilbert is best known, however, was an adaptation of French Gothic style to a sixty-storeyed skyscraper. This was the Woolworth Building, an office tower of romantic silhouette in downtown New York (1913). In contra-distinction to the high-rise designs of Louis Sullivan, who broke new ground in relating the design of the building to the verticality of the structure, Gilbert continued the skyscraper pattern of earlier years by clothing the steel structure in eclectic manner unrelated to the form beneath. The result, if backward-looking, is an elegant, attractive and familiar part of the New York skyline.
    Further Reading
    W.H.Jordy, 1976, American Buildings and their Architects, Vol. 3, Garden City, New York: Anchor.
    W.Weisman, 1970, The Rise of American Architecture, New York: Praeger.

    Biographical history of technology > Gilbert, Cass

  • 15 forma

    forma, ae, f. [Sanscr. dhar-, dhar-āmi, bear; dhar-i-man, figure; Gr. thra- in thrênus, thronos; cf. Lat. frētus, frēnum, fortis, etc.], form, in the most comprehensive sense of the word, contour, figure, shape, appearance (syn.: species, frons, facies, vultus; figura).
    In gen.: Ha. Earum nutrix, qua sit facie, mihi expedi. Mi. Statura haud magna, corpore aquilo. Ha. Ipsa ea'st. Mi. Specie venusta, ore parvo, atque oculis pernigris. Ha. Formam quidem hercle verbis depinxti mihi, Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 154; cf.:

    quia semper eorum suppeditabatur facies et forma manebat,

    Lucr. 5, 1175:

    corporis nostri partes totaque figura et forma et statura, quam apta ad naturam sit, apparet,

    Cic. Fin. 5, 12, 35; cf. Auct. Her. 4, 47, 60:

    si omnium animantium formam vincit hominis figura, etc.,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 18, 48:

    forma ac species liberalis,

    id. Cael. 3, 6; cf. id. N. D. 1, 14, 37; 1, 27, 76 sqq.; id. Verr. 2, 4, 58, § 129; id. N. D. 1, 10, 26: aspicite, o cives, senis Enni imagini' formam, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 1, 15, 34 (Epigr. 1 ed. Vahl.):

    hoc dico, non ab hominibus formae figuram venisse ad deos... Non ergo illorum humana forma, sed nostra divina dicenda est, etc.,

    id. N. D. 1, 32, 90:

    formaï servare figuram,

    Lucr. 4, 69; cf.:

    Homeri picturam, non poesin videmus. Quae regio, quae species formaque pugnae, qui motus hominum non ita expictus est, ut, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 39, 114 (v. Moser ad h. l.):

    eximia forma pueri,

    id. ib. 5, 21, 61:

    virgines formā excellente,

    Liv. 1, 9, 11:

    formā praestante puellae,

    Ov. H. 3, 35:

    forma viros neglecta decet,

    id. A. A. 1, 509; cf.:

    ut excellentem muliebris formae pulchritudinem muta in sese imago contineret,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 1, 1:

    illa aetate venerabilis, haec formae pulchrituline,

    Curt. 3, 11, 24:

    virginem adultam, formā excellentem,

    Liv. 3, 44, 4:

    virginem maxime formā notam,

    id. 4, 9, 4:

    una et viginti formae litterarum,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 37, 93:


    Lucr. 5, 571:

    muralium falcium,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 14, 5:

    lanceae novae formae,

    Suet. Dom. 10:

    nova aedificiorum Urbis,

    id. Ner. 16:


    Plin. Ep. 9, 39, 5:

    forma et situs agri,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 4:

    eādem cerā aliae atque aliae formae duci solent,

    Quint. 10, 5, 9:

    geometricae formae,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17; cf. id. de Or. 1, 42, 187:

    cum sit geometria divisa in numeros atque formas,

    Quint. 1, 10, 35; cf.

    also: Archimedes intentus formis, quas in pulvere descripserat,

    Liv. 25, 31, 9:

    dimidia circuli,

    Plin. 2, 59, 60, § 150:

    clarissimorum virorum formae,

    figures, images, Cic. Mil. 32, 86:

    ille artifex, cum faceret Jovis formam aut Minervae, etc.,

    id. Or. 2, 9:

    igneae formae,

    i. e. fiery bodies, id. N. D. 2, 40, 101:

    inque tori formam molles sternentur arenae,

    in the shape, form, Ov. Am. 2, 11, 47:

    (sacellum) crudis laterculis ad formam camini,

    Plin. 30, 7, 20, § 63:

    ut haec mulier praeter formam nihil ad similitudinem hominis reservarit,

    Cic. Clu. 70, 199.—In poet. circumlocution with gen.: astra tenent caeleste solum formaeque deorum, the forms of gods, for gods, Ov. M. 1, 73:

    formae ferarum,

    id. ib. 2, 78:

    ursi ac formae magnorum luporum,

    Verg. A. 7, 18:

    formae ingentis leo,

    of great size, Just. 15, 4, 17; Tac. A. 4, 72.—
    In partic.
    Pregn., a fine form, beauty:

    di tibi formam, di tibi divitias dederant,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 4, 6; cf.:

    et genus et formam regina pecunia donat,

    id. ib. 1, 6, 37:

    movit Ajacem forma captivae Tecmessae,

    id. C. 2, 4, 6; Quint. 2, 5, 12:

    neque, ut laudanda, quae pecuniam suam pluribus largitur, ita quae formam,

    id. 5, 11, 26; 5, 12, 17.—Prov.:

    forma bonum fragile est,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 113.—
    An outline, plan, design (of an architect, etc.):

    cum formam videro, quale aedificium futurum sit, scire possum,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 8, 1: domus erit egregia;

    magis enim cerni jam poterat, quam quantum ex forma judicabamus,

    id. Q. Fr. 2, 5, 3 (2, 6, 2):

    qua ludum gladiatorium aedificaturus erat,

    Suet. Caes. 31.—
    A model after which any thing is made, a pattern, stamp, last (of a shoemaker), etc.:

    utendum plane sermone, ut numo, cui publica forma est,

    Quint. 1, 6, 3:

    denarius formae publicae,

    Sen. Ben. 5, 29; cf.: formas quasdam nostrae pecuniae agnoscunt, Tac. G. 5:

    formas binarias, ternarias et quaternarias, et denarias etiam resolvi praecepit neque in usu cujusquam versari,

    stamped money, coins, Lampr. Alex. Sev. 39; cf. Curt. 5, 2, 11:

    si scalpra et formas non sutor (emat),

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 106; cf.:

    forma calcei,

    Dig. 9, 2, 5, § 3.—
    A mould which gives form to something:

    (caseus) vel manu figuratur vel buxeis formis exprimitur,

    Col. 7, 8 fin.:

    formae in quibus aera funduntur,

    Plin. 36, 22, 49, § 168; hence, a frame, case, enclosure:

    opus tectorium propter excellentiam picturae ligneis formis inclusum,

    id. 35, 14, 49, § 173:

    formas rivorum perforare,

    i. e. the conduits, pipes, Front. Aquaed. 75:


    Dig. 7, 1, 27.—Hence,
    Transf., the aqueduct itself, Front. Aquaed. 126.—
    A rescript, formulary (post-class., whereas the dimin. formula is predominant in this signif.):

    ex eorum (amicorum) sententia formas composuit,

    Capitol. Anton. 6; so Cod. Just. 1, 2, 20.—
    Item forma appellatur puls miliacea ex melle, Paul. ex Fest. p. 83 Müll.
    In gen., shape, form, nature, manner, kind:

    ad me quasi formam communium temporum et totius rei publicae misisti expressam,

    Cic. Fam. 3, 11, 4; cf.:

    formam quidem ipsam et tamquam faciem honesti vides,

    id. Off. 1, 5, 14:

    innumerabiles quasi formae figuraeque dicendi,

    id. Or. 3, 9, 34:

    cum, quae forma et quasi naturalis nota cujusque sit, describitur, ut, si quaeratur avari species, seditiosi, gloriosi,

    id. de Or. 3, 29, 115; cf.:

    quae sit in ea species et forma et notio viri boni,

    id. Off. 3, 20, 81:

    forma ingenii,

    id. Brut. 85, 294:

    rei publicae,

    id. Fam. 2, 8, 1; cf.:

    exemplar formaque rei publicae,

    id. Rep. 2, 11:

    forma et species et origo tyranni,

    id. ib. 2, 29:

    forma rerum publicarum,

    id. Tusc. 2, 15, 36; cf. id. Rep. 1, 34 fin.:


    id. Off. 1, 29, 103:


    Vell. 1, 16:


    Tac. A. 4, 60:

    formam vitae inire,

    id. ib. 1, 74:

    secundum vulgarem formam juris,

    Dig. 30, 1, 111:

    scelerum formae,

    Verg. A. 6, 626:


    id. ib. 615.—
    In partic.
    In philos. lang., like species, a sort, kind: nolim, ne si Latine quidem dici possit, specierum et speciebus dicere; et saepe his casibus utendum est: at formis et formarum velim... Genus et formam definiunt hoc modo: genus est notio ad plures differentias pertinens;

    forma est notio, cujus differentia ad caput generis et quasi fontem referri potest. Formae igitur sunt hae, in quas genus sine ullius praetermissione dividitur, ut si quis jus in legem, morem, aequitatem dividat, etc.,

    Cic. Top. 7, 31; cf.:

    genus et species, quam eandem formam Cicero vocat,

    Quint. 5, 10, 62: a forma generis, quam interdum, quo planius accipiatur, partem licet nominare, hoc modo, etc.... Genus enim est uxor;

    ejus duae formae: una matrumfamilias, altera earum, quae tantummodo uxores habentur,

    Cic. Top. 4, 14:

    quod haec (partitio) sit totius in partes, illa (divisio) generis in formas,

    Quint. 5, 10, 63:

    duae formae matrimoniorum,

    id. 5, 10, 62.—
    In gram.
    The grammatical quality, condition of a word:

    in quo animadvertito, natura quadruplicem esse formam, ad quam in declinando accommodari debeant verba, etc.,

    Varr. L. L. 9, § 37 sq.; 101 sq. Müll.; Quint. 10, 1, 10.—
    The grammatical form of a word:

    utrum in secunda forma verbum temporale habeat in extrema syllaba AS an IS, ad discernendas dissimilitudines interest,

    Varr. L. L. 9, § 109 Müll.:

    aeditimus ea forma dictum, qua finitimus,

    Gell. 12, 10, 1.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > forma

  • 16 Town, Ithiel

    b. 1784 Thompson, Connecticut, USA
    d. 1844 New Haven, Connecticut, USA
    American architect and bridge builder.
    Town studied in Boston, Massachusetts, under Asher Benjamin. His first important work was the Center Church on New Haven Green, and in 1814 he was commissioned to build Trinity Church, also on New Haven Green. He designed many more public buildings in many cities, including the Customs House on Wall Street, New York, and the Indiana State Capitol in Indianapolis. He patented the "Town lattice" for truss bridges in 1820, which established his reputation as a bridge builder; he also built a number of covered bridges. He entered into partnership with Martin E.Thompson in 1827–8 and with Alexander J.Davis in 1829–43. He was a collector of books on architecture and fine arts, using the money from his bridge building to acquire what was said to be the best collection in the country.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Founder, National Academy of Design.
    Further Reading
    1975, Webster's American Biographies.

    Biographical history of technology > Town, Ithiel

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Capitol Christmas Tree — The Capitol Christmas Tree (formerly the Capitol Holiday Tree) is the decorated tree that is erected annually at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. to celebrate the Christmas holiday season.A tree was first displayed in 1964, at the… …   Wikipedia

  • Capitol Police Board — The Capitol Police Board is a group of three members who maintain jurisdiction over the United States Capitol Police. The three members of this board are the Architect of the Capitol, the Sergeant at Arms of the United States Senate, and the… …   Wikipedia

  • The Apotheosis of Washington — The Apotheosis of Washington, (dt.: Die Gottwerdung Washingtons) ist ein im Jahre 1865 erstelltes Fresko des italienischen Künstlers Constantino Brumidi. Es befindet sich in etwa 55 Metern Höhe in der Spitze der Kuppel der Rotunde des Kapitols… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Capitol View/Stifft's Station — Capitol View/Stifft s Station, is a neighborhood in the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, located in the west central portion of the city encompassing approximately 1500 homes. Roughly, its boundaries include the area south of West Markham, north of …   Wikipedia

  • Capitol Hill, Seattle, Washington — Capitol Hill is the second most densely populated neighborhood in Seattle, Washington, United States, after Belltown (in northern downtown). It is the center of gay life in Seattle and also a center of the city s counterculture, while also home… …   Wikipedia

  • Capitol Cinema (Ottawa) — The Capitol Cinema (constructed 1920, demolished 1970) was the largest movie theatre ever built in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and was the city s only true movie palace. Opened in 1920, the 2530 seat cinema was regarded as one of the best cinemas… …   Wikipedia

  • Capitol Studios — The Capitol Studios complex opened in the Capitol Records Building, a futuristic new building in the heart of Hollywood, in 1956. It has since hosted some of the most treasured recordings in music history, from Frank Sinatra to the Beastie Boys.… …   Wikipedia

  • Capitol Lofts — The Capitol Lofts is a building located at 711 Main Street in downtown Houston, Texas. Constructed in 1908, the building was originally used for office space and was converted to residential lofts in the 1990 s. [Cite web title = Capitol Lofts,… …   Wikipedia

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